To purify the salty sea water, treatment plants in the GCC add chlorine to kill bacteria and lime (a calcium compound) to control chlorine levels.
Chlorine has a drying effect on the hair and skin.
Combined with mineral deposits, chlorine can oxidise hair colour, leading to more frequent salon visits.

Water affects your beauty routine just as much as the products you use.
Specifically designed for the Middle East, the Hello Klean Shower Filter leaves your water pure, clean, and kind to your hair and skin.
+90% of chlorine.
Iron, lead and other metals.
Inhibits bacterial growth in showerheads.
Our certified NSF(National Sanitary Foundation) ingredient meets EPA and FDA standards and is 100% safe for your shower.
Our filter casing is aluminium, and our biodegradable packaging is made from hemp and recycled paper.
Even the capsules are recyclable, simply dispose of the ingredients as compost and recycle the old casing.
Hello Klean is also 100% cruelty-free and our materials contain no animal byproducts.

Designed and assembled in Berlin, Germany, the sleek silhouette fits into your shower in just 2 minutes.